Augusta City Council approves payments for well project
AUGUSTA - A series of pay requests and other items relating to the Well No. 11 project in the City of Augusta was approved by the city council unanimously at its meeting in City Hall back on the 11th.
This included a Wapasha Construction Inc. Pay Application No. 3 – Pumphouse Well #11 Project for $137,336.75 and a CTW Pay Application #1 – Well No. 11 Project for $56,688.45. they also approved retaining the law firm of Quarles and Brady to serve as loan counsel for the Well No.11 project Water System Revenue Bonds, Series 2023.
The council also unanimously approved a certified survey map of property located at 424 Colfax St. (parcel split), accepted donation of a 2004 Kawasaki motorcycle from the Eau Claire County Sheriff’s Office and approve officers to utilize as a patrol vehicle and approve the council's Personnel Committee recommendation for updates to the city's Employee Handbook. Picnic and bartender license request were also approved unanimously.
A request by the Augusta Baseball Association (dba Augusta Athletics for a donation by the city for the WBA (Wisconsin Baseball Association) Regional Tournament event was tabled until the May 9 meeting.
The council voted unanimously to end its practice of livestreaming their meetings via Zoom due to costs involved and inconvenience to operate during the meetings.
The council's re-organization meeting for the new term took place April 18.