Fall Creek School Board holds January meeting

FALL CREEK - The Fall Creek School Board held its January meeting on the 17th at the District meeting room.

A preliminary report on the 2022-2023 district budget and forecasted enrollment report were reviewed. Superintendent Joe Sanfelippo gave a report on the upcoming summer school for the district. The board gave its unanimous approval to the Fall Creek Summer School Coordinator contract.

The five board members in attendance unanimously approve a Parent Transportation Contract as presented. They also unanimously approved, the staff quarantine bank of days language as amended and approved the regular and special education spaces for open enrollment applications as presented.

After coming out of closed session - where Dr. Sanfelippo gave the Board a legal update and an update on contract negotiations. He also discussed with the Board hiring recommendations - The board voted to
authorize the Superintendent to hire a full time nurse prior to the regular school board meeting and also voted to approve all administrative contracts.and approved Coaching/Advising recommendations for the 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 school years.


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