Fall Creek Village Board discusses pond management

FALL CREEK - Discussions on Fall Creek Pond dominated the village board meeting for Fall Creek back on Aug. 12 at the Village Hall.
A portion of the meeting was devoted to the pond's management through the .Inland Lake Protection & Rehabilitation District Annual Meeting which handles the pond's maintenance. There were citizen concerns that the Village had not done enough to properly maintain the pond, given the algae growth on it during the summer. It was pointed out by Village President Tim Raap that such algae growth is fed by nutrient runoff upstream from the pond from farms and ponds washed into it during rainfall which was more this summer than the previous few summers. There was a review of the pond's management plan down back in 2020 and Village Administrator Jared McKee pointed out in his reports things the village was doing to maintain the pond such as sediment traps. more harvesting of aquatic plants, installing a new fountain and fishing cribs. Raap also said that a county-wide solution to runoff problems must be addressed. As part of the annual meeting the Village's portion of the levy for the district was set at $10,000 and this was approved unanimously.
In other agenda items, the Board adopted amendments to Village Ordinance Title No. 1 upon second reading. They also unanimously approved putting out for bid lights at the ball courts with bids not to exceed $50,000, authorizing Administrator McKee to look at having the village join the Wisconsin Public Employers’ Group Health Insurance Program; approved joining the State of Wisconsin Group Income Continuation Insurance Program; all village cigarette and tobacco license applications and quote from JJ Premium Sealers in the amount of $2,659 for crack sealing and sealcoating the parking lot at Fall Creek Valley Memorial