FC School District gets waiver to start school prior to Sept. 1 in 2023
FALL CREEK - It was announced to the Fall Creek School Board at its November meeting on the 21st in the District Meeting Room that it's request for a waiver from the state DPI (Department of Public Instruction) to start school before Sept. 1 was approved.
This could potentially begin instruction for the 2023-24 school year on Aug. 28 which is a Monday. Labor Day is Sept. 4. The board discussed with District Superintendent Joe Sanfelippo possible starting date and teacher orientation and instruction days prior to classes beginning the week before starting on the 21st or a few days earlier.
The Board unanimously approved several district policy measures, including, Removing Board Policy 412 School Census which the district no longer does; Revising Board Policy and Administrative Rules and Exhibits on Non-discrimination on the Basis of Disability and f Revising Board Policy 534 Substitute Professional Staff Employment. All of these were second readings.
The Board also unanimously approved a contract with R.W. Baird Inc. for business management services and approved the addition of a staff aid position.