FC Village Board denies Conditional Use Permit in December meeting

FALL CREEK - The Fall Creek Village Board denied a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for the vacant lot north of CTH. J and west of Fall Creek for a high tunnel/greenhouse structure at its December meeting back on the 9th in the Village Hall.
There was opposition to permit from neighbors plus uncertainty among Board members, many expressing that there should be more clarity in the ordinance so it specifically addressed temporary greenhouse structures and listed which zoning districts it could be allowed in as a conditional use. The vote to deny was unanimous.
The Board unanimously approved giving signature authority to Village President Tim Raap to receive the land donation from John & Michelle Kuehn on the edge of town across from the village pond for the new library and village administration building.
In other agenda items, the Board unanimously approved an ordinance amendment that designates a portion of the westside of Wisconsin Street as a no-parking section. They also approved building permits for the external paint colors and façade at Ice Cream & Extras, 130 W Lincoln Ave. along with its sign application and a sign application for Unity Bank approved. They also approved 2024 budget amendments.