FC Village Board discuss Randall Rd. project financing
FALL CREEK - How best to pay for a proposed project to improve Randall Rd. in the Village of Fall Creek was given plenty of time for discussion during the February meeting of the Village Board which took place back on the 13th at the Village Hall.
The Board first rescinded a previous motion on the project that Village Administrator Jared McKee thought too restrictive in terms of financing to make sure the Village does not take on too much debt for the project. A motion was unanimously passed by the Board to allow interim or bridge financing, but that there be no long-term debt for the Village’s share of the project. The Board then gave its overall approval for the the Randall Road urbanization project amended to include the passage "without any long-term debt or the Village’s share but to allow the necessary interim or bridge financing" unanimously.
There was also discussion concerning the Eau Claire EMS agreement with the Village. McKee reported that terms of the new contract will make such service very expensive for the Village and that other villages, towns and cities which contract with Eau Claire EMS are looking for alternatives. One such alternative discussed was having the Fall Creek Area Fire District contract for ambulance services, rather than having individual municipalities do so.
The Board unanimously approved a motion to seek legal counsel and preparation of a C.S.M for property to fix a problem with the land plat that the fire station is on which was reportedly never legally split by certified survey map due to a requirement in the funding package for the station approved at the time.
The Board took the following action on these agenda items: approve the variance request of Greta Schreiner to allow a third dog on White Street, while she is residing there; approve the variance request of Mitch Barka on Liberty St. to allow one non-motorized device (boat or snowmobile trailer depending on the season to be parked in the side yard on a non-hard surface area with re-evaluation if there are complaints; approve the variance request to refund Keller Park kitchen and pavilion reservation fees to Lisa Shakal; approve a sign permit in the Downtown Business District for location on E Lincoln Ave; approve the issuance of a commercial garbage hauler’s license to GFL Solid Waste Midwest LLC; all bartender applications; certifying PSC testing meters every 10 years to replacing them every 20 years and to set aside money each year to replace meters and to have the Village seek an engineering concept to allow for pickelball in Keller Park. All of this passed unanimously.