Elaine Krumholz Spika

In her home high above the Mississippi River, and in keeping with her wish, Elaine Margaret Krumholz Spika rested peacefully on August 31, 2021, her final day in this world. Her passing on this day was a birthday gift in heaven for her mother Mayme. For most of Elaine’s life, the Mississippi River was a view she enjoyed, from her two homes overlooking it. A view and connection also relished by her children and grandchildren. The River of Life that brought her great-grandparents, Michael and Anna to Fountain City some 160 years earlier, putting down strong roots that led to Elaine’s long lifespan in the community.
Elaine began life on July 16, 1924, as the first daughter of Alfred and Mayme (Grossell) Abts in a farm house near Fountain City, Wisconsin. She attended St. Mary’s Catholic elementary school and Fountain City high school. Following school, she ventured to Rock Island, IL for a short time where she worked for a boot making company and lived with an uncle’s family.
On August 6, 1946, having returned to Fountain City, she married George Allyn Krumholz, the handsome young WWII veteran, who was captivated on their first date by her beauty and charm. They spent several years in Milwaukee, while George attended Marquette Dental school. Upon George’s graduation, Fountain City needed a dentist and together they felt it would be an ideal location to raise a family. That family soon took shape eventually reaching an even dozen that included Greg, Allyn, Steve (Karen), Dan (Lori), Bill (Phyllis), Marc, Tom (dec.) (Deb), Anne Deedrick (Jim), Keith (Sue), John (Mercy), Kurt (Ann) and Ellen.
Elaine and George had 40 years together, meeting the challenges of raising a large family, yet finding room for themselves with dinner dates, travel, and time as a couple. After George’s untimely death in 1986, and all her children now on their own, Elaine took on her new life with zest, increasing travel and time with friends. In 1995, Elaine found her second dentist husband, marrying Francis Xavier Spika. For 21 years their life together was filled with song, laughter, more travel and Frank’s five children, adding to her twelve. She frequently reflected that she had married well twice, and we are certain George and Frank would say that they did too.
Elaine loved many of life’s simple pleasures … fresh flowers, fine dining, a variety of music that included attending any nearby concerts by cousin John McCutcheon. Dinner time included a relaxing vodka tonic while watching the evening news and before accurately guessing the Wheel of Fortune board. She was an avid reader of novels, magazines and newspapers. A gifted conversationalist, she practiced that skill daily with her wide-ranging family and array of friends that spanned all generations. She took utmost pride in maintaining her home and always exhibited culinary flair in her kitchen.
Elaine’s immeasurable love was especially reserved for her greatest treasure, her family and those friends she treated like family. Twenty-five grandchildren, their partners and twenty-six great-grandchildren creates a lasting and expanding physical legacy for Elaine and George. Her influence on the next generation was obvious as she was the very first-person that grandchildren would notify of pending marriages or expected great-grandchildren. Her amazing memory and recall of details impressed all and made her the go-to person for family news and information.
Elaine has joined her parents, husbands George and Frank, son Tom and her siblings, Marvin, Jerome, and James. She leaves her brother Gerald (Jake) and sisters Rosie and Rheda to guide the large Abts family into the future.
Every mother and child’s prayer is to have a daughter or mother with the grace and values that Elaine radiated. Our family was abundantly blessed to have her for nearly a century.
Visitation will be 4 – 7 p.m. Friday, September 10, 2021, at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, Fountain City, WI and beginning at 10 a.m. Saturday at the church.
Funeral Mass will be 11 a.m. Saturday, September 11, 2021, at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, with Rev. John Abts officiating. Interment will be at St. Mary’s Cemetery, Fountain City, WI.
Memorials given to the family will be directed to Elaine’s favorite charities.
Services entrusted to Fawcett Junker Funeral Home & Crematory, Fountain City, WI and Winona, MN. Online condolences can be left at www.fawcett-junkerfuneralhome.com.