
Plainview News

In Plainview:The Elementary School (Grades K-3) and High School (9-12) will celebrate Veterans with a program beginning at 8:15 a.m. in the high school gym.  The Plainview Legion Color Guard will be...
By Cheryl Nymann, Editor A local business has changed its’ name,is offering different product, but is still providing that great small town shopping experience. Uptown Interiors and Floral has...
The Bulldogs cross country team traveled to Northern Hills Golf Course on Thursday, October 27th to compete in this year's Section 1A Championships. The weather was about ideal with temperatures in...
These captains and two of their coaches were recognized by the PEM School Board for demonstration of true sportsmanship; pictured L to R: are Coach Lamb, Sean Liebenow, Joe Miller, Andrew Speedling, Andrew Meyer, Thompson Stelling, Evan Burdick, and Coach Melcher.
By Cheryl Nymann, EditorThe regular October School Board meeting was called to order by chair Mike Hamilton at 6:00pm on Monday, October 10th.  After the Pledge of Allegiance was recited the Agenda...
Lucas Mestad (right) is pictured here with Ryan Busbice (left) from A&E’s television series ‘Country Bucks’  and this huge Mule Deer tagged in Lucas’ first Big Game Hunt filming that occurred in Dear Meadows in the Sandhills of Nebraska and aired last Spring.
By Cheryl Nymann, Editor You could say that hunting is in his veins. The son of Cindy and the late Daryl Mestad of Elgin, a 2011 graduate of PEM High School, Lucas has been hunting all his life....
Dianne was busy knitting while she casually told me about how she became involved with making Knitted Knockers.
By Cheryl Nymann, Editor Dianne Lutzi of Plainview is using her special gift of knitting to help women who have experienced a mastectomy. After knitting for many years, and having two sisters (along...
By Cheryl Nymann, Editor This is the year that Immanuel Lutheran School will be celebrating 95 years in Plainview. Thanks to an enormous amount of leg work from Lisa Hoekstra, there is a great deal...
The Elgin High School Class of 1958 held their 58th Class Reunion at the home of Betty (Rott) & Ron Fahrenz rural Elgin in July.  There were 23 in attendance: Attending from Wisconsin, Rochester, West Concord, Lake City, Eyota, Wabasha, and Elgin.      BACK ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Reggie Hart, Betty (Hampel) Fuchs, George Rahman, Chuck Klein, Elwood Witter, Henry Petersen, Carolyn (Lohse) Schwanke, Alice (Dubbels) Atkinson, Betty (Rott) Fahrentz, LaVerne Spring, Melvin Adler, Janice (Moechnig) Crowson.  Missing
When the Elgin High School Class of 1958 graduated from Elgin High When this group of people graduated from Plainview High School, Dwight D. Eisenhower was the President of the United States. In a...
The Class of 1951 gathered to enjoy their reunion at Kim’s in Plainview, Seated L to R:  Rita Gengler, Martha Ann Timm, Darlene Folkert Wentworth, May Kruger Schroeder, Marlene Holmsted Kuhlmann, Kathryn Pretzer Ahmann, Alice Thome Evers, Lou Ann Goertz Holderman, Carol Evans Graner; Standing L to R:  Dale Montgomery, W. John Holst, Bob Montgomery, Howard (Babe) Gusa, Jim Kroening, Gordon Claussen, Pat Melvin, and Otto Brueske.  Photo by Cheryl Nymann
By Cheryl Nymann, Editor When this group of people graduated from Plainview High School, Harry S. Truman was the President of the United States. As the Plainview High School graduates from 1951...
Jim and Jackie Pederson enjoyed the outdoor setting during the Ice Cream Social with the cheery music by the ‘Bandanas’.
Friends of Seniors (FOS) at Green Prairie Rehabilitation Center kicked off on October 2 with an afternoon of an apple pie and ice cream social for residents and their families. The afternoon was...


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