Bauer Built celebrates 75 years in business

By Steve Carlson
On a warm and sun-shiny Wednesday, July 17th from 4pm until 10pm, Bauer Built, Inc. threw a 75th Anniversary party that was well attended by company employees, business partners, family members and others from around the area. Plentiful and tasty food and beverages along with entertainment were featured throughout the party that was held at the Durand Rod & Gun Club. Much fellowship was enjoyed by guests and many remarked positively about not only the lasting legacy of Bauer Built and its growth as a company, but especially about its tremendous and ongoing contributions to the Durand area community. More than once was it overheard that this community is so very fortunate to have Bauer Built retain its headquarters here and take such an interest in supporting community needs and events in an age when it seems corporatism more and more can only see the bottom line.
Around 7:30pm that evening, a short program was held. Company President Tad Bauer gave the opening remarks. He said, “Thank you all for joining us for our 75th Anniversary at Bauer Built. It means a lot having you all here to share it with us. (applause) Seventy five years ago, two special people, a man and a woman, Grandpa Sam and Grandma Ethel, started a company founded on family and people. You know, if they were here today, I could just picture both of their smiles – they always had warm smiles. They’re looking down with nice warm smiles on us, seeing where the company has come to over the last 75 years. The biggest thank you is for them to have had that vision and start that tradition 75 years ago, so thank you Grandpa Sam and Grandma Ethel. (applause)
I’m making a grand assumption that Jerry is not going to come up here and thank himself. (laughter) Oh, maybe he is. Did I steal your thunder? (more laughter) You know, I want to take a moment too and thank my parents, Jerry and Sue Bauer, because when I look at all the opportunities I’ve had over the years, they’ve provided just great opportunities for me and my family. To see the full story, stop by and pick up your copy of the Courier Wedge today!