By Jill Veerkamp, St. Charles Press Editor instagram reels video download When Sharon Grossardt first became the director of the St. Charles Public Library in 1982, the building was half the size...
By Jill Veerkamp, St. Charles Press Editor One holiday highlight for children is a visit to Santa.  In a typical year, Santa makes numerous stops in St. Charles, including appearances at the Moose...
By Jill Veerkamp, St. Charles Press Editor For two decades, the St. Charles Catholic Daughters of the Americas (CDA) have sold holiday goodies at their sweet treat sale.  Despite the ongoing pandemic...
By Jill Veerkamp, St. Charles Press Editor Just in time for the holiday shopping season, ACE Hardware in St. Charles completed a month-long renovation project.  In addition to updates to the exterior...
By Jill Veerkamp, St. Charles Press Editor During the St. Charles City Council meeting on Tuesday, November 24, Daren Sikkink of WHKS shared the plans for a new water tower in the Chattanooga...


St. Charles Press

St. Charles Press

At the December 23rd St. Charles City Council meeting, outgoing Mayor Bill Spitzer receives a plaque from Mayor-Elect John Schaber, honoring him for ten years of service to the St. Charles Community.
By St. Charles Press Staff Writer Craig Hilmer An extra, end of the year City Council session, originally scheduled to ratify a labor contract, filled quickly and 2014 rang out with a number of new...
In January of 2015 Ron Ganrude will become the next Sheriff of Winona County.
By St. Charles Press Editor Laura Berndt For the past 16 years, Dave Brand has served as Winona County Sheriff. He’s helped countless individuals and their families, and, is known as a man who goes...
St. Charles High School student Dillon Storsveen (seated, front) works with Precision Manufacturing Technology (PMT) Program Instructor Brian Bahr at St. Charles High School.
by St. Charles Press Editor Laura Berndt Within the St. Charles School District, there are many educators who constantly look for ways to enhance their students’ education. One of those teachers is...
Sheriff Brand, four-term Sheriff, is renowned for his determination to bring closure and compassion to any situation.
By Lewiston Journal Editor Carol Boynton Winona County will swear in a new sheriff in January, and as they start their new term, others will end theirs. Sheriff Brand will retire, as Ron Ganrude will...
Above are the top three spellers from the St. Charles Elementary School’s Spelling Bee. From left to right are Nate Storm, Nora Fritcher and John Gardner. Nora and John will advance to the regional competition in Rochester, and Nate will serve as an alternate.
By St. Charles Press Editor Laura Berndt Last week at St. Charles Elementary School, 12 fifth grade students and 12 sixth grade students competed in a spelling bee. The top two spellers will advance...
Student members of TALK (Teens As Leaders with Knowledge) It Up visited three establishments that sell alcohol and attached stickers to the packaging, reminding consumers that the alcoholic products are only intended to be consumed by adults over age 21. Above, the group takes a photo at the Eyota Market with Deputy Tracey Pagel, Eyota’s Community Officer.
By St. Charles Press Editor Laura Berndt. Members of the Dover-Eyota High School’s youth group, TALK (Teens As Leaders with Knowledge) It Up, strive to be positive leaders and role models within...
Tokens like these, which are good for one ride on the Rolling Hills Transit Public Transportation System, are available at St. Charles City Hall. Photo by Laura Berndt.
By St. Charles Press Editor Laura Berndt On Wednesday, December 17th, Mike Rizzo, a representative for Rolling Hills Transit, visited St. Charles City Hall to talk with local residents and city...
The St. Charles School Board poses for a photo last Monday, December 8th. From left to right in the front row are David Kramer, Bernadine Stevens and Brian Davidson. In the second row are Mike Schaber, Keith Persons, Bernie Siebenaler and Roger Leistikow.
By St. Charles Press Staff Writer Craig Hilmer Monday, December 8th was a memorable day for the St. Charles School Board, both a day of change for them, and even a little sad. That evening, four long...
By St. Charles Press Staff Writer Craig Hilmer The St. Charles City Council met on Tuesday, December 9th in what was slotted for the last meeting of the year. It was also to be the last meeting of...
Scott Hoeft, husband of Luanne Hoeft, lights a tree at St. Charles City Hall in Luanne’s honor on Sunday, December 14th, during the 2014 Love Lights a Tree ceremony.
By St. Charles Press Editor Laura Berndt Each year, the St. Charles community takes pause during the holiday season for its annual Love Lights a Tree ceremony. The event, sponsored by the St. Charles...


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