A Christmas to Believe In” Presented at New Hope Community Lutheran Church

By Lori Johnson
HIXTON - Nothing brings to mind the true meaning of Christmas more than a Sunday school Christmas program at church and for New Hope Lutheran Church, their Christmas program held on December 29, 2019, “A Christmas to Believe In” was one for the memory books.
The program started when “Go Tell It On the Mountain” was sung by the Sunday School and Confirmation students.
“Little Things” by Noel Nelson - reading was given by Joey Turk, Evelyn Karls and Henry Karls.
A warm Welcome and Greeting was given by Pastor Simonson, and director Cari Bergerson
“Jesus was Born on Christmas” reading was given by Amelia Turk, Issac Osegard, Deaken Wilson and Myah Osegard
The congregation sang Silent Night as a lead in to “A Christmas to Believe In” as well as other songs throughout the performance.
After taking their final bows after an enjoyable performance, everyone was invited for lunch and a birthday cake for Jesus.
Comments made at the close of the performance - “A Christmas to Believe In” was very well done and the narrators were excellent.
“A talented group of kids - many had multiple roles and did them well.”
“Cari and Pastor Elden did a great job!” … All of the above comments proving that it takes a great team to achieve excellence and to make this year’s Christmas program one to remember.