E-S School Board approves staffing plan for '24-25

CENTRAL - The Eleva-Strum School Board approved the staffing plan for the 2024-25 school year during its April meeting held back on the 10th in the Central school building's LMC.
The only proposed change are the reduction of one fulltime paraprofessional based on current numbers, the addition of one full-time assistant in special education to assist with scheduling, assessments, and subbing for teachers and aides, and the reduction of one full-time, district-wide internal substitute teacher, previously paid for by ESSER funds.
The Board also approved the district's dental plan for next school year. The Board approved the option presented to the district that increases deductibles to $3500 single/$7000 family, with no changes in plan structure or coverages. The plan is through M3 Insurance, who serves as the broker for the Northwest Co-op. The Board also approved several Neola drawn-up policies for the district as well.
The Board went into closed session to consider the employment, promotion, and compensation or performance evaluation, data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or
exercise responsibility. Coming out of closed session, the Board o approve the resignation of Avery
Larrabee, Middle School Volleyball Coach and approved the hires of Dave Hazuga, Varsity Girls Basketball Coach; Sever Nysven, Middle School Football Coach; and Michael Von Ruden, Middle School Football Coach