Hixton Fire Department annual dinner-dance once again a success

By Lori Johnson

HIXTON - It was a fine afternoon and evening for the Hixton Fire and Rescue to hold their 7th annual Dinner and Dance on Friday July 12. Their fleet of fire engines lined the side of the driveway as the delicious aroma of grilled chicken called hungry diners into the Hixton Rod and Gun Park. There they were greeted by service with smiles as they went through the line, choosing either chicken or pulled pork dinners, complete with chips, baked beans, coleslaw and a pickle spear. The line was definitely busy--there were 910 meals served that night!

Of course, in addition to the great food, there was plenty of things going on to keep things lively. Several bounce houses were set up, fire truck and wagon rides were available,

A popular spot on this hot day, the dunk tank saw plenty of action. Captain Paul Olson, and Firefighters Austen Morales, Travis Todd, Luke Gerke and Travon Rogers each had 1/2 hour shifts for people to try their luck and hone their aiming skills for a free will donation. For the right price Chief Tom Davidson and other officers could be in on the splashes as well, and it was reported that the Chief had the right price.

Something very special happened this year with the return of the Hixton Firequeen. Ella Sedelbauer was crowned queen by her sister, Miss Jackson County Katie Sedelbauer, and Nora Gerke was first attendant. They look forward to representing Hixton at various events throughout the year.

Musical entertainment was provided by Uncle Ron for listening and dancing pleasure.

When it came time for the nail biting moment of drawing the raffle winners, the big winner of $2000 was Avery Stalheim who bigheartedly turned right around and donated it back to the Fire Department, as did several others. Other winners were Tony Laufenberg, Merlin Slegel, Dorothy Knisley, Ryan Peters, Nicole Rommel, Debra Olson, Tim Schaefer, Jon Rush, Pat and Eldan Yenna, Sue Lindberg. Brecken McMillan, Cindy Todd, Nicole Faull, and Kris Lien.

Another popular part of the event was the Friday Night Lights Parade where emergency vehicles, were invited to join Hixton and around 25 vehicles with lights flashing, followed the parade route.

To top off the evening, there was a lot of ooohing and ahhing going on during the colorful bursts of fireworks that were visible from the park. Perfect ending to a perfect day.

The Hixton Fire Department appreciates all the support from the community, the sponsors and all who were part of the day!


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