Hixton holds annual car show

By Lori Johnson
HIXTON - The Hixton Car Show was held on Sunday, Sept. 1, and reported a great turnout.
The show, sponsored by the Village Peddler, was held in memory of Carol Ritschof. All makes, years and models of cars. trucks, tractors and motorcycles were welcome--entry fee was a free will donation. The entrants gave generously--$925.00 in car show donations were donated to St. Jude's Children's Hospital.
There were 134 registered cars and well over 150 vehicles in total. Twenty-six trophies were awarded, Craig Rodenberg spearheading the operation.
The Hixton First Responders held 50/50 raffles with two drawings.
The Taylor-Hixton American Legion members were on the grounds, serving 240 hamburgers and 120 brats to the hungry crowd. They were assisted by members of the Hixton Lucky Clovers 4H.
The Legion also raffled two donated quilts made by Michelle Jones from Sparta. The lucky winners were Marie Dunnigan and Wayne Linberg.
Always popular are the flea markers held on the grounds of the Village Peddler, this year having 70 plus booths set up, so when you combine everything, not only does it make for a great day, but also is a good start for looking forward to next year!!
Winners from 2024 Hixton Car Show
Best in Show-Car: Jim Newman-Trempealeau, WI; Best in Show-Truck: Jimmy Zebell-Melrose, WI; Best in Show-Tractor: Randy Burnett-Hixton; Best in Show-Motorcycle: Scott Sargent-Holman, WI; POW Award- Eric J. Powell, Milladore, WI, Best Rat Rod-Hozer (no address given); Hixton Queen's Choice-Gordon Odeen-Whitehall, WI;
Other winners include: Jed Heimke-Warrens, WI; Sandra Bittner-La Crosse, WI; Joe Lodahl-Boyd, WI; Ernie Snider- La Crosse, WI; Al Denovsky-Knapp, WI; Elmer Jesok-Tomah, WI; Dane Cash-Merrillan, WI; Jerry Conner-Hixton; Randy Garbers-Black River Falls, WI; Pat McKevitt-Merrillan, WI; Brian Gates-Merrillan, WI: Blaine Lee-West Salem, WI; Gerry Thrune-Winona, MN; Don Addleman-Winona, MN; (2)-Clint Wanta-Elk Mound, WI; Frey-Sparta, WI; Floyd June-Marshfield, WI; Glenn Whitehead-Sparta, WI; Richard Schmit-Knapp, WI; Donna and Randy Ekern-Blair, WI; Andy Pedretti-La Crescent, MN;
All who traveled to the show and entered to join in the fun are appreciated. See you next year!