Jackson County Board to look at new jail ideas, plans

BLACK RIVER FALLS - The Jackson County Board of Supervisors approved a resolution to set up a study to look at building a new jail facility at its January meeting held on the 20th at the County Government Center.

The Board authorized its Jail ad hoc committee and Law Enforcement committee work with Market & Johnson and Wold Architects & Engineers to create future jail solutions ideas and plans and that the cost shall not exceed $50,000, paid from American Transmission funds.

The Board also endorsed the county's application of Pierce Pepin Cooperative Services for BEAD funding to support broadband infrastructure projects in Jackson County in support of all unserved and underserved residents. The county will provide matching funds of $1 million of ARPA funds previously set aside.

The Board passed a resolution honoring Jay Borek for his 40 years service to the county, last seven as County Highway Commissioner

The Board also approved strategic plan for county drawn up in conjunction with the University of Wisconsin Extension.


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