Local Author Leads Writing Workshop in Winona

WINONA, Minn. - Hixton/Northfield Author, Kaye Henrickson traveled to the Winona Public Library on November 9, as part of the NaNoWriMo Creative Writing and Local Authors Fair celebrating the 2019 Great River Writes Month.
Henrickson’s contribution was a writing workshop, called “Write to Heal.” This workshop walked through the therapeutic attributes of writing. Participants learned to put their thoughts into words in order to process trauma. Research on this topic was also shared.
A cancer survivor, Henrickson is the author of her book, “Battle Courage…” which tells of her cancer fighting journey and how she used writing as part of her fight to battle and win! Henrickson, as shown on her Facebook page, states that her writing Battle Courage was “as a curious human, recording life in words with raw tenacity, humor and hope.” The second edition, with a title change to “Battle Courage - Channeling that Inner Warrior to Defeat Adversity” is now available.
Participants of the workshop also had an opportunity to get signed copies of her book. Henrickson was extremely pleased with the event, saying, “We had a beautiful venue in the Winona Library, it was well attended and very enlightening!”