Osseo City Council approves city licenses at monthly meeting

OSSEO - The Osseo City Council gave its approval to a variety of city licenses during its June meeting held back on the 12th.
This included liquor, beer, cigarette licenses to various establishments and stores in the city and an adult establishment license to Darling's Gifts. They also approved operator's licenses as well.
All permits for Lake Martha Days were approved as were all invoices and pay requests for public works, along with the annual Wastewater Treatment Facility Compliance Maintenance
Annual Report (CMAR) report. However, two items in the public works section of the meeting were tabled and these were Conditional Use Permits (CUP) for Jeff Jackson, on 10th Street and Cody K. Warner, south of Thomas St. and west of East St.
The Council went into closed session to y to discuss the sale of city owned property but came out of it and took no action.