Strum Village Board discusses dam situation

STRUM - The situation with the dam to Crystal Lake was discussed by the Strum Village Board at its February meeting held back on the 8th.
The dam stop logs broke out on Feb. 6, and caused the lake to drop excessively. Boehne will talk with Gary Barone and have him speak with the DNR representative to see what the proper procedures are in this case. The drop in the water level caused the cancellation of the annual ice fishing contest.
Other items discussed during the meeting included the Spruce St. project, improvement work on the Strum Community trails, the purchase of Lot 49 in the village and the village insurance renewal date.
Two members of the Strum Library Board:, Joan Tonn and Linda Nielson, resigned. The board accepted the resignations and appoint Alison Christ and Keshia Semingson to fill the open positions.