
Tri-County News

CENTRAL - After coming out closed session, the Eleva-Strum School Board supported pay increases for various levels of District employees at its May meeting held back on the 8th at the Central School...
STRUM - The Strum Village Board held its May meeting on the 13th at the Village Civic Center. The Board approved three construction permits: 1). A permit was submitted to build twin home on 3rd Ave...
BLACK RIVER FALLS - The Jackson County Board of Supervisors made changes to the appointments to the county's Airport Commission at its May meeting back on the 20th. The changes that were made were...
CENTRAL - The Eleva-Strum School Board approved the staffing plan for the 2024-25 school year during its April meeting held back on the 10th in the Central school building's LMC. The only proposed...
STRUM - The Strum Village Board held a discussion on its remaining ARPA funds during its March meeting on the 11th in the Village Civic Center. The discussion centered on how to use the remaining...
CENTRAL - Bids for two summer maintenance projects to the Eleva-Strum School Building were approved by the school board during its March 11 meeting in the LMC while one was tabled to request more...
BLACK RIVER FALLS - The Jackson County Board of Supervisors held its April meeting last week Tuesday, the 16th and also the first meeting of its new term. The 19-member chose as its Chairman Jeff Amo...

Augusta Area Times

FALL CREEK - The Fall Creek Village Board took steps during it s May meeting to give its support to the proposed new library/community center5 for the village at its May meeting held back on the 13th...
FALL CREEK - The Fall Creek Village Board, in a special meeting held back on April 24 at the Village Hall, unanimously supported a broadband internet infrastructure plan. The plan calls for broadband...
FALL CREEK - Fall Creek Village Board trustee Karen Hurd officially gave her resignation letter at the Fall Creek Village Board's March meeting held back on the 11th in the Village Hall Hurd, who...


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